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Mrs Phelan Pastoral and Attendance Lead

ATTENDANCE 6th Sept 23- 6th Oct 23


Attendance % for this period = 97.1% - On Friday 6 October 2023 the overall attendance in Suffolk for this term was 94.0%. Attendance in primary schools nationally was 95.4% this places Birchwood ABOVE the national, illustrating the positive impact of the continued work to sustain excellent attendance.


Birchwood's authorised absence for the above period = 2.3%  (National figure 11th Sept 23 week = 2.9%). 


Birchwood's unauthorised absence for the above period = 0.2%  (National figure 11th Sept 23 week = 2.1%). 


Number of pupils with persistent absence for the above period (pupils with less than 90% attendance) = 1% representing 2 pupils. 


We have had no permanent exclusions.


Leaders have sustained excellent levels of attendance through effective systems in place.  


