County Lines
County Lines Guidance for Parents and Pupils
Suffolk Children are considered to be in direct danger by 'County Lines' due to the close links to London and other cities. If you are concerned about a child or want to know more follow the link to the local County Lines Team.
A 10 minute video created in partnership with Sketchups discussing the County Lines methodology and how this is impacting Children and Vulnerable adults.
At Birchwood Primary School, we discuss issues linked to County Lines through an age-appropriate and progressive PSHE curriculum. Year 5 and 6 pupils are also offered workshops run by our Online Safeguarding Lead and the St Giles Trust to raise awareness of 'knife crimes', 'Internet Safety' and 'County Lines'.
All staff are also trained to know what County Lines is, how to look out for signs that children are involved in a County Lines Gang and actions to take.
Criminal exploitation gangs continue to find new ways to target our children and young people. We continue to all be vigilant for the signs of any exploitation and help educate our communities and ourselves alike. The “Not in our Community” group has produced some resources for year 6 up as well as information for parents/carers and education staff.