SMSC & British Values
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC)
At Birchwood we develop SMSC in many different ways, including through the experiences outlined below. For more evidence of SMSC please look through our Twitter feed.
As part of our broad and balanced curriculum, we incorporate British Values:
Promotion of fundamental British Values
| Activities | Impact |
Democracy A democracy is a system where people are able to decide how their country or community should be run. | Assembly Themes PSHE curriculum Election of School and Eco Councillors WOW Curriculum and individual curriculum subjects Pupil Voice responsibilities for ‘jobs’ within classroom and around the school on a ‘fair’ basis SEND policy and practices Studying Ancient Greece and beginnings of democracy Voting in class Creation of class charter to accompany Birchwood Bees whole school, rules – annual stakeholder consultation | Stakeholders, including children, staff and parents feel they influence and impact the way the school is run and that this has a positive impact. |
Rule of Law No one is above the law. | Creation of class charter to accompany Birchwood Bees whole school, rules – annual stakeholder consultation Assembly Themes WOW curriculum and individual curriculum subjects Parent Consultations/Home School diary and other forms of communication building relationships with stakeholders Exclusions Prejudice Related Incidents records Safeguarding records Holding teachers to account Performance Management of all staff CPD for staff | Children, staff and parents feel ‘safe’ as a result of clear policies, rules and expectations and in the knowledge that issues will be followed up robustly. |
Liberty Freedom to live as you wish and believe what you wish within the law. | Assembly Themes WOW Curriculum themes and individual curriculum subjects Food Bank Charity support Pupil Voice regarding topic themes and input into curriculum design Celebrations across faiths Class charter Behaviour Policy PSHE themes | Children, staff and parents feel they can act independently and autonomously within the agreed, shared and accepted frameworks. |
Respect and Tolerance Admiration for someone’s skills or qualities and a willingness to accept someone else’s beliefs even though they may be different from your own. | PSHE Curriculum WOW Curriculum and individual curriculum subjects Playground ‘buddy bench’ system Pupil Voice roles Assembly themes Extra-Curricular Clubs Celebration assemblies – Star of the week tab, Citizen of the week tab Twitter feed SEND policy and practices Anti-discrimination recruitment procedures and policies PREVENT training Equalities action plan and policy | Skills and qualities are recognised in a multitude of different ways. Children, staff and parents respect each other’s views and beliefs and have strategies for dealing effectively with differences. Discrimination is not tolerated. |