Birchwood's Ethos For Learning
We are Passionate About Learning
Quite simply, it is our intention that every pupil, irrelevant of needs, develops such a passion for learning that they seek out and embrace amazing opportunities to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in school, at home and in the wider environment. We want all our pupils to experience a wide and varied curriculum, which leaves them excitedly seeking further opportunities to continue their learning journey. Ambitious curriculum goals ensure exemplary pupil achievement.
At Birchwood our curriculum journey is driven by:
- Our own bespoke Wheel of Wisdom curriculum.
- Key literary focus and text rich curriculum.
- High quality core texts that are challenging selected from world famous children's literature.
- Interconnectedness within subjects and between subjects so that pupils know more and remember more.
- Real life purpose to learning experiences wherever possible.
- Methodology = immersion + absorption of skills + practice skills + apply and refine.
- Sequential curriculum building towards end curriculum goals, built within real life/wider opportunities that inspire and challenge our pupils (e.g. Milsoms persuasive writing Y6 microbusiness, DEFRA approved egg production unit, Birchwood bees, Suffolk Day, masterclass program, Personalised Learning Plans in every subject).
Birchwood Key Strengths – 24-25
Birchwood Key Developments – 24-25
- Raise Y6 SATS outcomes in maths at GDS and in GPS overall. Raise pupil performance in Y4 MTC. – raise in line with 2025 national outcomes
- Sustain staff usage of formative and summative assessment system to identify and address gaps in pupil’s knowledge through adaptive teaching strategies
- Ensure stretch & challenge is pitched across the whole curriculum
- To embrace exemplified metacognition pedagogy – ‘walkthroughs.’