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The Partnership of Birchwood and Holbrook Primary School's Governing Body consists of able and committed governors who are passionate about the school and the place it holds at the centre of the local community. "There exists a very open and honest relationship between leaders and governors. As a consequence, governors understand the school’s current priorities and the improvements that leaders have identified. They readily challenge leaders and visit the school to check on progress towards those priorities" (OFSTED 2016).  Governors, along with leaders, are constantly looking to further develop the strategic links that the school has with other schools and the community. 

3 Core Functions of the Governing Body

Partnership of Birchwood and Holbook Primary Schools


Chair of Governors

Paul Hesketh


Co Vice Chair of Governors

Andy Dallas

Andrew Wilesmith


Chair of the L&A Committee

Paul Hesketh


Chair of Resources Committee 

Andrew Wilesmith


Co opted Governors

Andy Dallas

Robin Till

Paul Firman

Annie Tyler

John Tunaley


LA Governor

Andrew Wilesmith


Parent Governors

Rebecca Coulson-Parker

Peter Finch 


Staff Governors

Steve Cloke (Exec HT)



Associate Governors

Sara Gale

Chris Perry

Pippa Wake

All of our Governors are attached to subject leaders in school as well as looking at provision for vulnerable pupils (SEND and Pupil Premium) and checking that safeguarding is effective.  Our very active Governing Body have a range of skill sets from across the community (for example, decades of Headship experience of Primary School to strategic leads of international expertise).  