Mrs Wake Mr P Hesketh
Maths Subject Lead Subject Governor
Intent - What do we want children to learn?
Quite simply, it is our intention that every pupil, irrelevant of needs, acquires the skills to carry out efficient mental and written calculations through the use of manipulatives and hands on learning. We want the children to achieve their full potential, by applying Mathematics to real life scenarios and investigations with creativity and flexibility. Mathematics is a tool for life. It provides a way of viewing and making sense of the world. It is used to analyse and communicate information and ideas and to tackle a range of tasks and real life problems.
Through Mathematics we aim to support this philosophy by:
- Use mathematical concepts, facts and procedures appropriately, flexibly and fluently
- Recall key number facts with speed and accuracy and use them to calculate and work out unknown facts
- Have sufficient depth of knowledge and understanding to reason and explain mathematical concepts and procedures and use them to solve a variety of problems
- Solve problems of greater complexity (i.e. where the approach is not immediately obvious), demonstrating creativity and imagination
- Independently explore and investigate mathematical contexts and structures, communicate results clearly and systematically explain and generalise the mathematics.
Implementation - How are we going to achieve our intent?
The Medium Term planning is taken from the Primary Curriculum and supported by White Rose Termly coverage guidance. Weekly planning is supported by a variety of sources, and when appropriate, combines Wheel of Wisdom teaching to utilise Mathematical skills in a more cross curricular approach and in an active/hands on environment. The staff team have spent considerable time reorganising White Rose Maths sequence of learning so that children revisit mathematical concepts, learn more and remember more. Children, parents and teachers have access to TTRockstars to regularly explore and practise times tables – a fundamental part of the curriculum, plus Numbots for Key Stage 1 to hone their number bonds knowledge. Our home learning platform is supported by EducationCity – offering interactive activities, learning recaps and tracking facilities to see progress/improvement. These, along with regular arithmetic and Numeracy Ninja activities (mental skills, times tables and key skills - in Year 5 and Year 6), in turn support the curriculum by revisiting important skills and areas covered throughout the year.
Impact - What will it look like when we have achieved our intent?
There are literally hundreds of ways we can demonstrate the excellent impact our Mathematics curriculum design has on our pupils. In a nutshell, here are some examples:
As part of our Y6 micro business, Key Stage 2 children have been inspired to proudly enhance the business by recording daily egg production, labeling and marketing the eggs, producing weekly spreadsheets on profit and outgoings, ordering food and materials, caring for the flock and writing to local businesses, such as Adnams to outline production and sale criteria - for use when creating a dish to be sold in their restaurants. Overall giving children that first hand experience of how a business operates before transferring to Secondary School.
2019 Birchwood results for pupils compared to their peers nationally, are simply the best since the school opened in 1990 and are well above all 2019 national outcomes. For example, Birchwood Y6 Mathematics at expected = 97%, compared to the national figure of 79% and 66% at greater depth, compared to the national of 27%.
In 2022, Birchwood Y6 Mathmatics at expected = 83%, compared to the national figure of 71% and 33% at greater depth.
2022 Birchwood results for pupils in Year 2 in Mathmatics at expected = 80%, compared to the national figure of 68% and 23% at greater depth, compared to the national of 15%.
The progress of the children is assessed on a termly basis, with interventions and opportunities available for pupils to increase their knowledge of Mathematics in a variety of areas. Below are photos of Maths application across the curriculum that include:
Y1 - Measure (using non-standard and standard units) and begin to record lengths
Y2 - Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm)
Y4 - Interpret and present discrete and continuous data using appropriate graphical methods, including bar charts (discrete data), histograms (continuous data) and time graphs.
Y6 - Solve more complex problems involving time rounding answers to the required degree of accuracy e.g. decimal places or significant figures. Construct and interpret appropriate tables, charts, and diagrams, including frequency tables, bar charts, pie charts, and pictograms for categorical data, and vertical line (or bar) charts for ungrouped and grouped numerical data.
Click here for our Progression of Skills, Knowledge, Understanding and Vocabulary documents. These sequencing documents show how knowledge builds from EYFS year by year to the end of Y6 so that children know more and remember more.