Sports Crew
Sports Crew application form - open to Years 3,4,5 and 6 only
In our role as a member of the Sports Crew, it is our aim to:
* inspire others to want to take part in more sport
* inspire and help others to get active and fit
* be role models during our PE lessons
* teach others how to do sports and exercises
* look after the sports equipment
This year we would like to also:
* train other children in our classes to help with other sporty jobs! Giving wider opportunities!
* get some more equipment for break times and change the cycle of activities.
* run a lunchtime football tournament. Children chose their own teams.
* reward each other for doing more activity and sports. We can give everyone a card to collect stamps to trade in for activity time.
Children in Key Stage 2 that are interested in this role, have to fill in an application form sharing three words to describe themselves, who they are, their interests and why they would like the job. Class teachers choose the best two applications to represent their class. The chosen two have their photos placed on the Sports Crew notice board at the front of school and get presented with Sports Crew badges so they can be easily identified around school. We wear these proudly!
The work we undertake happens in curricular and outside of curricular time. In class we take on a supportive role to our peers in their physical activity sessions. We like to help children that might find some aspects of PE a challenge. We lead by example. We might demonstrate a new skill in Gymnastics or provide encouragement and motivation during the 2k. We are responsible for helping getting equipment organised, purchasing replacements and new initiatives and tidying away after.
All classes at Birchwood take part in a minimum of 120 mins of National Curriculum PE per week, with the daily class ‘2km a day’, break and lunch time play equipment sessions, Forest School time, residential/non-residential educational visits, masterclasses, Bikeability, garden gang and extracurricular opportunities used to enhance this coverage further still. 90% of pupils reach the national expectations in terms of the PE attainment target at the end of KS2 and 23% exceed national expectations. 88% of pupils in the school participate in ‘organised’ sport provision outside of school time.
As a Sports Crew we are secure in our vision and our role. We have high profile in the school with our Sports Crew board that publicises the hard work we do. Most recently, we have recorded videos of us performing Gymnastic skills to support all classes in their Gymnastic lessons. We have shared these in a whole school assembly and linked it to a key text to inspire and motivate everyone further more! We have revised and designed a new break time activity rota and helped order the new equipment required. With the help of the JRSO's, we oversee and lead breaktime activities. We also enjoy showing many visitors around our school, explaining our role with pride... "I wouldn't have chosen a sporting career if I hadn't come to this school".
Sports Crew taster film
Are you crazy about Sport? Do you love being active and encouraging others to join in? Watch our taster film to find out more about how to become part of Birchwood's Sports Crew!