Parent Council
Birchwood's Parent Council is made up of 2 parent volunteers for each year group. Meetings are held regularly after school on a Monday afternoon and are attended by Mrs Wake, Mr Hosking and reps from each year group.
The role of Parent Councillor is to:
- Work in partnership with the school to decide on the key priorities to take forward;
- Provide a voice for parents in their class on issues that are important to them;
- Improve the school’s understanding of how to engage parents in their children’s learning and in the life of the school;
- Support the school to continue to develop strong home/school partnerships;
- Communicate regularly with the cohort parents to both hear their views and keep them informed;
- Support improvement by discussing the school’s strengths and areas for development from a parental perspective;
- Help make links with the wider community;
- Capture the unique and varied skills, interests, knowledge and experience that parents can offer.
If you would like further information about the role, please speak to us.
It is of extreme importance to us to gain parents' perspectives and work together to ensure that Birchwood is the best it can be for, most importantly, the children in our care and also all of our stakeholders. We are deeply indebted to our dynamic Parent Council for their tireless commitment and dedication to enhancing learning for all our pupils.