PE and Sport Premium
Birchwood’s most recent OFSTED report (Dec '22) reported “Leaders’ ethos that all pupils are ‘passionate about learning’ extends beyond the classroom. Pupils take up the many opportunities that they are given to develop their interests. Many pupils are involved in sport. They love street dance club or attending masterclasses in tennis, dance or rugby. Pupils are excited by the forest school curriculum. They value the chance to build teamwork and be adventurous".
Here is a flavour of Birchwood's use of the sports funding to develop the 5 key indicators of effective practice (please open the statutory reporting document below for a more forensic analysis):
Key indicator 1: The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – Chief Medical Officers guidelines recommend that primary school pupils undertake at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day in school
- Outcomes for pupils are improved for all pupils. All pupils take part in a minimum of 120 mins of PESSPA a week.
- In all year groups teachers provide inclusive, adapted, modified or separate activities or approaches to learning.
- Teachers have specific knowledge of the abilities of all pupils and have determined clear educational, developmental, health-related and (where required) therapeutic goals.
- We provide suitable learning opportunities for ALL children by personalising the curriculum intentions to meet their needs.
- A significant use of the PE and Sport Premium (PESP) allocated to the school has been used to establish a masterclass programme at three tiers of ability: * the talented * those meeting expectations * those vulnerable to not keeping up.
- "The attention to detail and quality in all aspects of PESSPA e.g. record keeping, tracking, planning and monitoring are exceptional and shared as ‘best practice’ beyond the school" AfPE findings July '22.
Key indicator 2: The profile of PESSPA being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement
- Pupils are observed supporting each other to know what they need to improve (making effective use of Information Technology and fuel injectors) and are encouraged to have the desire to practise to bring about successful outcomes. They request extra practice sessions ahead of competing. “I enjoyed Sports Day and pushing myself” (Y3 pupil).
- "Learning in, and through, the physical is at the core of the school curriculum and supports all other curricular areas...
- The support for all pupils and staff to ensure they can all be the best they can be is ‘lived’ every day and is to be celebrated" AfPE findings, July '22.
Key indicator 3: Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
- Termly CPD programme (led by Subject Lead and professional coaches) enables teachers and other adults to confidently impart knowledge of skill progressions, knowledge, understanding and vocabulary. This develops strong subject knowledge and informal sharing of outcomes of teaching/adaptations across phase groups. This is sustainable over time and empowers teachers.
- Valuing teachers as ‘curriculum makers’.
- Subject lead annual cycle of monitoring/subject governor monitoring.
- Personalised CPD for individuals specific to their role is also a key feature, e.g. team teaching in-school, informal planning meetings, BUPA Start to Move course, Playleader course, Dance iMoves, Big Maths/Physical activity, Level 4 LTA qualification and PE Subject Leader Conference attendees.
- CPD offered to our Partnership school on a whole staff or individual needs basis (such as curriculum Dance CPD, Gym Trail CPD, 2km a day initiative sharing, statutory evidencing the impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium support).
- The impact on teaching and learning has been a measurable shift in the quality of PE education across the school. Birchwood has moved from a school with secure and sound PE education to a school where PE practice is particularly and consistently strong across the school as a result of subject leader’s CPD and subject monitoring systems in place.
Key indicator 4: Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
- "The range, quality and relevance of PESSPA to ensure full access for all pupils are excellent" AfPE findings, July '22.
- Pupils have built up a positive sense of self as determined, resilient learners, overcoming and mastering challenges presented to them (whether it is in games/athletics work where the children are encouraged to travel faster, throw further, jump longer or in the forest where they have to problem solve, take risks and stay safe). Pupils identify “I found balancing in Gymnastics challenging”, “understanding tactics is challenging, when to run and how far”. The inclusion of bespoke GDS goals in our uniquely designed assessment tool (alongside EXS descriptors) provides levels of challenge for all children to aspire to achieve. For example, Y6 Athletics EXS ‘I can long jump with a short run up’, with the aspiration of Y6 GDS ‘I can perform five bounding strides, striking the ground lightly with the foot. I can perform a standing triple jump, making the three phases of the jump equal’.
- The pupils talk ‘passionately’ about PE and are proud to represent their school. 100% of pupils responded ‘yes’ they enjoy PESSPA – Responses included… ‘I love the fact I am active everyday’, ‘it keeps me healthy and fit’, ‘I love the variety of sports’, ‘I enjoy the inter house tournaments’, ‘I like the masterclasses and after school clubs’, ‘lessons are fun’, ‘I like watching sport on tv and then trying to be like them’, ‘I really enjoy the OAA sessions as they are competitive and the teacher makes it harder and harder’, ‘teachers are energetic and fun’!
- Parent perception from the Parent Council (representing all cohorts views half termly) is that Birchwood’s sporting excellence is tangible and inspiring for all. They congratulate the school on the numbers of PESSPA extra curricular opportunities available and welcome the way the school involves them in their child’s PESSPA pathway, e.g. half termly curricular outlines, celebrating successes in achievement assemblies, invites to competitive opportunities at all levels (Primary Panathlon, cross country, Sports Day, masterclass tennis tournament, regional finals, Dance festival etc), bespoke PE parents evening for masterclass performers. Through this level of endorsement, our pupils are supported to extend their PESSPA pathway beyond the school day.
Key indicator 5: Increased participation in competitive sport
- Intra School Competitions introduce the children to ‘competing’ against those they know.
- Inter School Competitions see pupils compete against other schools, at local, regional and national level.
- Teams represent the majority of the ‘clubs’ offered by the school. Additional entries are made into ‘friendly’ tournaments.
- Pupils compete and represent Birchwood nationally eg - national gymnastics floor champion, national ballroom champion, national squash champion.
- Masterclass pupils regularly attend Wimbledon, the O2 ATP tennis and Twickenham to be inspired by professional athletes.
- Through our athletics curricular work and extra curricular running club opportunities, March ‘22 inter school cross country (30+ schools) results saw all 6 x Birchwood teams finish in top 20, 5 x finish in top 10 and the boys Y6 team and the girls Y6 team both won the event. Birchwood's KS2 Panathlon team achieved 3rd place in the annual Suffolk event Nov '22. Birchwood's Y5 boys cross country team finished 3rd, Y6 boys finished 2nd and Y6 girls won the pyramid annual event Dec '22.
"PESSPA is definitely and explicitly at the heart of school life and there is a solid and continuous commitment to keep developing, improving and sharing" AfPE findings, July '22.
Please read the information below which gives greater detail of how our PE and Sport Premium Funding has been spent and how we allocate the Grant in line with the school's priorities.
Evidencing the Impact of Primary PE and Sport Premium, including swimming outcomes - 2023-24
Masterclass inspiration - BBC Look East
More information about Birchwood's PE and Physical Activity work can be found by following these links...