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Uniform Information

Birchwood School rucksacks and book bags can be purchased from our online school shop

Would you like to pass on your unused uniform which doesn’t fit anymore in a sustainable way?

Has your child lost an item of uniform and you don’t want to buy a brand new replacement at this point in the year?

We have a range of new and pre loved trousers, pinafores, shorts, skirts, culottes, PE kits, tights and socks. Swap your outgrown uniforms for the next size up or search for an item of uniform you need. All clothes, which had been washed and ironed, will be displayed on a table so that you can browse at your leisure at regular intervals across each term! However, if you are in more urgent need, please contact Mrs Phelan, our Family Support Worker.


Please post any clothes you are donating into the black recycle bin, located in our Recycle Alley at the front of school. We are very much in need of larger sizes, Birchwood PE kit and Birchwood jumpers. Year 6, please can we have any donations as you leave for High School!
