Welcome to Birchwood Primary School
On behalf of the children, staff, governors and whole school community we'd like to warmly welcome you to Birchwood Primary School. We are extremely proud of all that goes on at Birchwood.
We value every child and ensure that we foster the individually of their interests and experiences. Our curriculum is carefully planned to enable us to teach in a creative and inspiring way. We know this educational philosophy works well and is constantly adapting to the needs of all children in school because;
- Outcomes for pupils are excellent. Pupils enter the school in Reception with broadly average achievement. As a result the quality of education, pupils exit Birchwood with achievement above that of their peers nationally. In 2019, pupils across the school achieved within the top 1% of all schools nationally.
- We are ambassadors in the key areas in which we excel. We hold the Eco School's Green Flag for the 8th year running. We hold the PE Quality Mark with distinction (retained for the third time) and Platinum School Games Mark for the fourth consecutive year. We hold the Suffolk Greenest County, Greenest School award, have an onsite Forest School, we are a DEFRA egg production unit and have our own school of horticulture, Birchwood Bee hive and rare breeds flock to name but a few.
- We offer a plethora of clubs and activities at different times of the day. Our staff team research and embrace new initiatives to enhance opportunities further still.
- We have worked diligently on our curriculum design which is constantly evaluated and continues to evolve. Our Wheel of Wisdom curriculum ensures National Curriculum coverage but sequences and organises learning so that children know more and remember more making full use of the resources that are specific to Birchwood.
Our vision statement underpins all that we do... we are,
"Passionate About Learning"
Steve Cloke & Pippa Wake
Executive Headteacher/Head of School